الطاقة من أجل الأمن الغذائي
- أكثر من 1.6 مليون
- شخص تم تزويدهم بالوصول المباشر للطبخ النظيف في 2022
- أكثر من 81 ألف
- شخص تم تزويدهم بالوصول المباشر بمنتجات وخدمات الطاقة للاستخدامات الإنتاجية في 2022
- أكثر من 106 ألف
- مواقد موفرة للوقود للمنازل والمدارس في عام 2022
الطاقة هي محرك للفرص الاجتماعية والاقتصادية التحويلية التي تمس كل جانب من جوانب التنمية المستدامة، والقدرة على الوصول إلى الطاقة هي عامل تمكين أساسي لتحقيق الأمن الغذائي والقضاء على الجوع.
لا تعد الطاقة ضرورية لاستهلاك الغذاء فحسب، ومعظم الأغذية التي يوزعها برنامج الأغذية العالمي على المحتاجين تتطلب الطهي، ولكنها ضرورية أيضًا في جميع تفاصيل أنظمة الأغذية لإنتاجها ومعالجتها وحفظها.
ينفذ برنامج الأغذية العالمي مناهج الطاقة المستدامة القائمة على آليات السوق، والتي تعزز المساعدات الغذائية من خلال تزويد الناس بوسائل الطهي والتواصل، وتعزيز أنشطة بناء القدرة على الصمود التي تدعم سلاسل القيمة الغذائية المحلية.
Areas of work
Modern cooking
WFP is the largest humanitarian agency providing food assistance in emergencies and through school feeding programmes. Most of this food needs cooking, which is most often done on open fires with firewood and charcoal. Traditional cooking has dramatic consequences on the environment (deforestation), socio-economic development (fuel collection time or purchasing cost), and public health (respiratory diseases). WFP introduces improved, clean and modern cooking solutions to households and schools.
Vouchers for energy
Promoting clean and modern cooking solutions, such as gas stoves, mini-gasifiers or electric pressure cookers, through WFP’s cash-based transfer approach, ensures that the poorest are not left behind. It empowers vulnerable households to make choices that improve their food security and wellbeing. Also, by injecting cash into the local economy, this approach supports local retailers and energy service providers; it builds energy market systems creating the needed conditions for long term impact.
Energy in schools
WFP promotes clean and modern cooking in school kitchens leveraging its presence in thousands of schools where it delivers school feeding programmes. Better cooking practices reduce environmental impact and improve socio-economic outcomes. Where solar electrification is possible, it delivers additional benefits such as lighting, digital learning and refrigeration for fresh food and medicines. At the centre of communities, schools act to showcase and diffuse innovation to surrounding areas.
Energy for agriculture
WFP builds the resilience and livelihoods of smallholder farmers through inclusive agricultural growth and the sustainable dissemination of energy equipment and services to boost agricultural market development, which in turn strengthens local food value chains.
Productive uses of energy – food production
Energy access for productive uses increases efficiency and crop yields through mechanisation of land clearing, preparation and harvesting. Water pumps allow for irrigation but also oxygenation of fishponds and water distribution and lifting for hydroponic applications.
Productive uses of energy – food processing and preservation
Renewable energy systems can also sustainably power food processing tasks, such as milling, saving time and increasing the quality of the produce. Energy-powered preservation (e.g. drying, smoking and refrigerated storage) reduces post-harvest food losses increasing the availability of nutritious foods and enabling farmers to control the timing of crop sales.